There are times you find yourself in a tight corner in which you are required to make urgent call but for unavailability of call units. There are two ways to deal with this situation, you may either borrow credit or send a call me back to the person you intend to call. More specifically, we shall be discussing the call me back service across the mobile networks in Nigeria.
The call me back service is an SMS service used to inform another mobile user to call you at the time you don’t have airtime. The issue with credit borrowing is that not all lines are eligible but all lines are eligible to send a please call me back. Also, when you borrow credit, you have to pay back with interest but please call me back service is free of charge. Furthermore, it means you won’t be paying for the call eventually and you have variety of call me back SMS that you can send for free.
The call me back service is available on all networks for free. It can be accessed and used by all active lines. Please note that you can only send call me back to another number on your network. You can’t send to a different network. It is also pertinent to note that you are limited to five call me back daily on all networks. Below is how to send call me back across the networks;
MTN Please Call Me Back
To send a call me back on MTN, kindly follow the steps below;
- On an active MTN number, kindly dial *133#
- A prompt will come up that will ask you to input the mobile number you wish to send call me back to. After inputting the number, click on send.
- The next prompt is where you will select the type of call me back you wish to send. Simply reply with the number of the one you wish to send.
The call me back will be sent immediately and the other person will get it instantly.
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9mobile Please Call Me Code
On 9mobile you can send the various call me back SMS with different codes. Here are the codes;
To send Please Call Me thank you on 9mobile, please dial *266*1*mobile number#
To send Please Call Me I Landed Safely on 9mobile, kindly *266*2*mobile number#
To send Please Call Me, I Am Now Available on 9mobile, please dial *266*3*mobile number#
To send Call Me Back, It’s An Emergency on 9mobile, please dial *266*4*mobile number#
Glo Please Call Me
On the indigenous telecommunications service provider, glo, you may simply dial *125*mobile number# on an active glo line to send a please call me back message to the mobile number inputted in the USSD.
Airtel Please Call Me
On Airtel network, sending call me back is not difficult at all. Simply get an active Airtel number and dial *140*mobile number# to send please call me back or dial *141*8*mobile number# to send please credit me.
These are the ways to send call me back on the various networks. For further enquiries, you may call customer service on; 180 on MTN network, 121 on Glo network, 111 on Airtel network and 200 on 9mobile network.