According to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), vehicles with smart technology are increasingly vulnerable to being hacked remotely.

As the network of technologically connected vehicles grow worldwide, so is the risk of your vehicle being hacked by fraudsters. The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) have sent a general warning to the public about the potential security threats concerning connected technologies in modern cars.

What is vehicle hacking?

Vehicle hacking is said to be the manipulation of the codes in a car’s Electronic Control Unit (ECU) just to exploit its vulnerability and have control over other ECU units in the car.

Vehicle hacking has been tested targeting varieties of vehicle models, and getting control over various systems which includes gas gauge, steering, speedometer, air bags, brakes, accelerometer etc.

Today, we will be sharing with you seven ways you can protect you vehicle from being hacked.


  1. Stop Using Your Remote to Lock Your Car Doors:

Locking your car doors with your keyless remote system gives the hackers the right opportunity to break into your car and steal all you have inside, because it is very simple to scan your push button locking system. There are many ways hackers can do it, but the main thing is, they want you to lock your car remotely and move away from it. The solution to this is using the car’s central door locker button to lock the car, because if there is no transmission, there will be no hacking.


  1. You Must Keep Your Car Software Up To Date:

Sometimes, you might receive a notification to update your car software, just like the notification you get to update your computer software, please do not ignore. Verify if the update is very legit by getting in touch with your car dealer or the car manufacturers, so you do not fall victim of malware or phishing scam. When it is confirmed, then you can book a day for the car dealer to update your car software for you or you do it yourself using the software USB drive.


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  1. Do Not Manipulate Your Car Software:

Manipulating your car software may affect its normal operation and will course more vulnerabilities that can be exploited by hacker. So do not manipulate or modify your car software anytime.


  1. Do Not Give Everyone Access To Your Car:

Just as you won’t want to give your unlocked phone, tablets or computer to someone your do not trust, do not also give access of your car to unknown or untrusted people.


  1. Make Sure You Remove OBD II Dongles:  

Removing your car’s OBD II Dongle will help protect your car. On Board Diagnostics (OBD) II Dongles are technological devices that insurance firms use to monitor your habits while driving, they usually connect this device to your car through a port on your car steering. This connection can be a back door to potential attackers, so when not in use, please remove it.


  1. Protecting The Fobs:

The most common problems in an unauthorised entry to your car fobs. Please, you can protect the fobs encryption by wrapping them in a foil and put in the freezer or microwave or better still, buy a key fob protector.


  1. Check If Your Car Has Been Recalled

Many cars has already been recalled before because of vulnerabilities to hacking attacks. If so, let the car manufacturer send you a notice telling you about the problem and how to fix, to avoid hacking attacks.


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