Skrill is an e-commerce business platform which enables online payments and money transfers across currencies. It is a UK based online transaction platform with headquarters at 25 Canada Square, London, United Kingdom. It was founded on the 27th July, 2001. It was originally called Moneybookers.


Skrill accepts and transacts in 40 currencies in the world but your account can only be of one currency. Skrill users and merchants keeps growing at large rate since inception with over 700 employees.



Opening And Use Of Account

You can open an account via the official website of skrill. Simply sign up on the website. After creating an account, you will be required to go through a four verification phase. Incomplete verification will limit the transaction strength of your account but a full successful verification will lead to full account functions accessibility. The four verification phases include email verification, home address verification, debit/credit card verification as well as bank account verification.



There are charges for withdrawals, transfer and conversion of currencies. When making withdrawals, you will be charged 1.75%. For transfers, you will be charged 2.99%. This is for transfers between USD, EUR, GBP, CAD as well as PLN currencies. Also, you will be charged 3.99% for transfers that involve other currencies such as naira.


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How To Receive Money from Skrill Into Your Nigerian Account

You can receive money from your skrill account in Nigeria but you are required to have a domiciliary account. The domiciliary account should be in the currency that your skrill account is operated.


Skrill supports and encourage withdrawals through bank transfer (into domiciliary account) as well as through credit or debit card (VISA). This is the reason why a domiciliary account is needed. Gtbank savings account has been said to favour this as well as the MasterCard naira of Gtbank.


Facts You Need To Know About Skrill

  1. Skrill only allows user to choose once currency
  2. You can only withdraw small amount from unverified account.
  3. As a user, you are not allowed to have more than one account.
  4. Your account will be charged £1 per month after 12 months dormancy.
  5. You will be charged 2.99% for merchant transactions.
  6. For currency conversion, you will be charged between 2.99% and 3.99%.
  7. Skrill accepts up to 40 currencies across the globe.
  8. The rebranding to skrill from moneybookers was completed in 2013.
  9. You can’t transact beyond £2,500 through an unverified account or partly verified account.
  10. You can’t change the currency of your account once opened. If you need a change of currency in your account, you are required to close that account and open a new one.


If you have any issue with your account you may send an email to or call their international toll free number +44 203 308 2520 or call +44 (0) 203 608 1405 between 09:00 to18:00 GMT from Monday to Sunday.



  1. Thanks, I’ve successfully opened and verified my own skrill account

    1. How do you verify your Skrill account please?

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